Hammer Union Grinder

The Hammer Union Grinder is an innovative, industry-leading machine designed to eliminate sharp edges and remove rust from the threads of hammer unions. Originally designed to meet the needs of the booming oil industry the Hammer Union Grinder’s application reaches far beyond that. The safety and cost savings it offers will help your company be more productive by keeping employees safe and getting the job done in a timely manner.

Benefits of the Hammer Union Grinder include:

• Safety

  • Button operated which keeps limbs away from moving components
  • Containment of sparks and dust created from grinding
  • Secure cover with plexiglass window for viewing
  • Operation ceases when cover is opened
  • Elimination of muscle fatigue

• Increased productivity and cost savings

  • Grinding disks are quick and easy to replace
  • Eliminates replacing worn out hand grinders
  • Grinds a variety of different sized unions
  • Average of 13-15 minutes faster per nut
  • Decrease in injury claims


The Hammer Union Grinder is more cost effective and less dangerous to operate. It improves upon previous standard grinding procedures in several ways. The grinder eliminates sharp edges off hammer unions in just a fraction of the time it takes to manually grind them with a hand grinder. To manually grind a single hammer union it takes an average of 15 minutes; the Hammer Union Grinder preforms the task in 3-5 minutes. As well as increased time, manually grinding unions has increased the risk of injuries which are mainly caused from handling the union’s sharp edges. An additional concern is the development of carpel tunnel caused by the monotonous motion required when grinding by hand. Of course, the operation of a hand grinder always has the potential of injury from the grinder itself.  The Hammer Union Grinder is equipped with a vacuum system to accumulate the dust created from the removal of rust on the threads.  This system allows the profuse dust to be drawn out of the air brush housing and contained in the vacuum. This keeps the air cleaner and dust is less likely to be inhaled by the operator or by others.


Please contact Kris or Kevin through the Contact Us tab at the top of the page or call (406)-388-1983 if you have any further questions.

The video below shows the basic workings of our Hammer Union Grinder (H.U.G.). This machine was designed as a safer and more efficient way of grinding and cleaning the threads on union/wing nuts. This video goes into detail on both the grinding system and the thread cleaning system.


 Hammer Union Grinder (H.U.G.) Demo Video